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Reflecting on PANLAR Towards the New Development Plan (2024-2030)

28 Febrero 2024

“True wisdom lies in recognizing one’s own ignorance,†Socrates once said—a statement that deeply resonates with me as I reflect upon my tenure as president of PANLAR. As this period draws to a close, I find myself contemplating the decisions and strategies I’ve implemented. Were they correct? Were they misguided? The only certainty I hold is our collective effort to do what’s best for the League.

Taking on the presidency of PANLAR presented me with a series of pressing questions. The foremost among these was understanding the legacy we were inheriting. We took over the stewardship of one of the most venerable supranational medical societies in rheumatology, marking its 80th anniversary. This milestone not only connected me to the lineage of 24 preceding presidents but also made me ponder the immense value of their contributions over time. Ultimately, I realized we were to be but a link in this chain, contributing our part to an ongoing legacy judged by time itself.

PANLARs role as one of the five members of the International League Against Rheumatism (ILAR) underscored our global commitment. Representing a significant portion of the rheumatology landscape across the Americas, PANLAR boasts a rich history of 26 congresses and the stewardship of 21 national societies. Reflecting on eight decades of collective effort and achievements, I felt a profound sense of gratitude and responsibility to honor the work of those who came before us.

As I contemplated our place in the present, I realized that we were navigating an era of unprecedented change. The belief in our collective strength— “We are all PANLARâ€â€”became a guiding principle. We live in a time of rapid advancements where rheumatology, like other fields, must adapt to the swift pace of 21st-century innovations. The evolution of research, the emergence of new therapeutic targets, and advancements in technology for early diagnosis and effective treatment underscored the need for PANLAR to remain dynamic and responsive.

Our strategic planning for 2016-2022 sought to break with the inertia of the past, infusing PANLAR with a new vitality. This initiative was grounded in fostering strong leadership and encouraging the development of indigenous knowledge through research and collaboration. Our goal was to position PANLAR as a key provider of rheumatology knowledge in Latin America, rallying under the banner of unity and inclusivity.

Today, PANLAR stands more active and engaged than ever, with an increase in both interest and contributions to American rheumatology. This vibrancy is evident in the growing number of papers presented at our annual congress, among other achievements. Our efforts have also led to the establishment of active study groups, a joint patient-doctor group, a prolific research unit, and a versatile communication platform, culminating in our official journal, GLOBAL RHEUMATOLOGY.

Looking forward, the question of what actions we must take to elevate PANLAR to new heights remains paramount. It’s imperative to organize our resources and continue our trajectory of sustainable growth without losing sight of our core mission: to advance and disseminate rheumatology knowledge. As we embark on developing a new plan for 2024-2030, I am convinced that we must not only maintain our focus on scientific excellence but also expand our outreach to encompass all stakeholders, especially patients. Our vision is to forge a resilient and inclusive community that addresses the needs of all affected by rheumatic diseases, advocating for improved health outcomes and quality of life.

In concluding my reflections, my hope for PANLAR by 2030 is to bridge the gap between diagnosis and treatment, alleviate the social and economic burdens of rheumatism, and enhance the well-being of those afflicted. Our continued focus on education, knowledge creation, awareness, and innovation within an efficient and sustainable organization will be key to achieving a healthier, more inclusive society that recognizes and addresses the challenges of rheumatic diseases.