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Carlo Vinicio Caballero, un médico dedicado a sus pacientes

Dato importante: En Colombia solo hay 168 reumatólogos.

“Due to his outstanding role as doctor, friend and guide for over 11 years as a partner in our association’s efforts. He is a major pillar for the Licar Foundation and has set an example of dedication, support and empowering in the interest of patient’s health, always selfless in his interactions with patients, inspiring positive and quick recovery”, with these words, Dr. Carlo Vinicio Caballero was honored for his over 30 years of medical service to the community.


The president of the Licar Foundation, Gina Ochoa, presented the award. Ph: @merrygranadosher



The ceremony was held at the Hotel Continental, with several rheumatic patients in attendance. Dr. Caballero was presented a scroll representing their gratitude for his dedication through nearly 25 years as a rheumatologist.



Caballero Uribe is the acting-President of the National League of Patients with Arthritis and Rheumatic Disease, which, according to him, empowers patients to lead an active lifestyle: “We want patients to get to know their condition, its treatment and to have an idea of what to do in each case, in every situation”, he emphasized.

Likewise, Dr. Caballero conducts a program aimed at ensuring good communication flow between patients and doctors, considering the rising numbers shown by studies on arthritis: it is becoming more common, with 2 out of every 100 thousand persons suffering from it.


During a conversation with rheumatic patients. Ph: @merrygranadosher



“A gentleman”


The father of two young women aged 22 and 8, Dr. Caballero is married to Sofia Llinás.


He considers himself a dreamer, a natural pedagogue, and he combines his practice with teaching at Uninorte and Unilibre, in order to pass on the gift of serving, inherited from his father, as well as his drive for the practice of medicine, to the younger generations.



Carlo Vinicio Caballero, one of the most beloved local doctors, is committed to his patients, is “everybody’s friend” and a tireless worker. Ph: @merrygranadosher



Dr. Caballero considers himself a member of the technological age and will soon obtain a PhD in Communications from the Universidad del Norte, in Barranquilla. He strives to positively take advantage of social networks to help patients: “My Twitter account is focused on helping patients. I provide recommendations and keep them updated on medical developments. I also participate in several information and knowledge exchange groups on social networks, and get feedback from them.


Carlo Vinicio Caballero is one of the most followed rheumatologists on social networks. For him: “The online community helps find agreements on different subjects and improve the quality of life of others”.