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Panlar 2017 Rheumatology Award

31 Mayo 2017




Two categories of prizes were established: Basic and Clinical Sciences. When only requests for one category were submitted, the entire award fund was disbursed to the successful tenderer (USD 15,000.00). Otherwise, each successful bidder received USD10,000.00.
Calendar. Annually, the process has involved the following:




  1. Applications open on May 19, 2017
  2. Application deadline June 12, 2017
  3. Award Announcement Award July 18, 2017
  4. Award Ceremony Sep. 9th, 2017. In Lima, Peru.

The application.


Only rheumatologists working in Latin America were eligible. The application itself has been constituted by several components that have been individually punctuated in a weighted form. All components of these applications had to be written in English.


These components and their weight towards the final score were as follows:


1. CV (limit of 4 pages) 10%
2. Letters of recommendation (2) * 5%
3. Personal statement (limit of 1 page) 5%
4. Work done (limit of 2 pages) 10%
5. Research project (limit of 10 pages without references) 70%

Total 100%



Letter of support from the Applicant's National Society.
Please send your completed application to and before May 31, 2017.