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Learning about Vasculitis

15 Agosto 2023

Vasculitis Foundation is pleased to present this new series of educational videos.

The Vasculitis Foundation is pleased to present this new series of educational videos to expand your knowledge of vasculitis. Vasculitis medical experts from different countries will discuss various topics including diagnosis, medication and treatment for vasculitis. These videos are aimed at patients and their families, with the intention of informing and increasing knowledge and awareness of these diseases.

Discover the content:

  1. Learning from Vasculitis – Introduction
    Summary: This is a brief introduction and review of this new series of educational videos on vasculitis in Spanish.
  2. What is vasculitis? - Part 1
    Abstract: In this first part, we talk about what vasculitis is with a special focus on ANCA-associated vasculitis.
  3. What is vasculitis? - Part 2
    Summary: In this second part, we talk about other types of vasculitis, including large and medium-sized vessel vasculitis, as well as the importance of early diagnosis.
  4. Building your medical team
    Abstract: Discuss the importance of forming a multi-disciplinary team of medical professionals.
  5. Corticosteroids (prednisone): the basics and advanced
    Summary: Learn more about the role of corticosteroids in the treatment of vasculitis.
  6. Medications for the treatment of vasculitis
    Summary: Learn more about the different types of medications used for the treatment of vasculitis, including benefits and possible adverse effects.
  7. What is referral?
    Abstract: Learn what the disease remission implies in vasculitis and its implications.
  8. Dealing with the damage caused by vasculitis and medication complications
    Summary: Learn about what complications can be caused by both vasculitis and the medications used, and how they can affect patients with vasculitis.
  9. Living with Vasculitis
    Summary: In this video, we will hear about the experience and implications of living with vasculitis from a patient's perspective. There will also be a discussion about the importance of the role of the patient in their care, and the participation in the role, treatment and legislation of the care of people living with vasculitis.